Why an office water cooler can help detox the bodyPeople go to all sorts of effort to clean the rubbish out of their systems and get their bodies healthy: from crash dieting to taking in herbal medicines; from strenuous exercise to detox. But the easiest – and most cost effective – way to get your body straight is drinking water!

Water is one of the most important detoxifying agents around. It helps keep our kidneys in good condition and our skin clear. More to the point, it keeps us hydrated.

Interestingly – and this is particularly poignant for health eaters – the more fibre people take on board,  be it through fruit and vegetables or supplements, the more water they should drink. Fibre’s one of nature’s great detoxifying agents, but if it’s not combined with sufficient water, you’re going to find yourself constipated.

The older we get the less effective our sense of thirst works, making it all the more important for people to get into the habit of having a glass of water at regular intervals to combat chronic dehydration.

If necessary, set a calendar alert to prompt you to take a trip to the office water cooler. Or make it a regular pit stop on your way to the kettle.

Studies show that people drink plenty of water work more efficiently. And the colder the water is, the more they drink.

As plumbed in water cooler systems usually offer cold water, installing one is a pretty shrewd move. If you don’t have a drinking fountain in the office, maybe now’s a good time to lobby the boss!

We’d be delighted to help out, so do give us a call if you’d like more information on the best water cooler solution to meet your water needs.