Water cooler gossipingWater Cooler fodder!!!

This is the description used in a newspaper article discussing what celebrity magazines are gossiping about and then goes on to discuss a whole load of celebrity dribble (or was that gossip).

Yes I occasionally read my wife’s Hello magazine in the bath, but find it hard to believe that we really do sit or stand around the cooler gossiping.

Editors Comment – If you have some ground breaking gossip that has been shared around your water cooler, why not drop us an email or post a blog here so we can update all our other cooler customers on the latest exciting gossip…. Living-Water Editor’s additional comment: “The water cooler is again the focal point of office gossip and chit chat -as made famous in TV programmes like “The Office”.

We at Living-Water employ mainly males in our warehouse owing to the nature of our work and are principally concerned with Paternity leave.

We recently had an employee of less than two months demanding two weeks paternity leave. As a small-medium enterprise, having an employee going on leave for two weeks is quite an inconvenience and we felt particularly hard done by in that the employee had only been with us two months.

After checking the ACAS ruling we discovered he needed to have worked for us for over 27 weeks to qualify and his paternity leave was refused.

Were we being reasonable or unreasonable – email your opinions to guy@living-water.co.uk so we can act fairly and in an appropriate manner should this recur, regardless of what the law says.

Living-Water rent water coolers and water cooler accessories to businesses in London.