How Can Water Help Prevent Cancer?It sounds trite when one says that drinking water could prevent cancer, but it is the truth! How can water help prevent cancer? Drinking water can help prevent cancer because water makes up 70% of the human body, and without it we could not survive.

This is neither a joke nor a myth; water is one of your greatest weapons against getting cancer, if you follow doctor’s orders and drink enough of it and make sure that the water that you do drink is pure and free of toxins.

The amount of water that you should be drinking daily is not, as has been thought for many years, a defined amount. You need to ensure that you drink water for your particular circumstances:

  • If you are taking part in sports you should drink more water to replace that which you have lost through sweating;
  • If you live in an extremely hot climate then you probably need to drink more water than people living in a moderate or cold climate;
  • If you have a fever or an illness such as diabetes, then you must ensure that you drink sufficient water to remain hydrated;
  • If you drink a lot of alcohol or coffee, you should ensure that you drink water in-between too, as they are both diuretics, which means that they increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water

How Can Water Help Prevent Cancer?

The fluid balance of the human body must be retained at all times for it to function correctly. Drinking water is essential to good health as it affects the body’s ability to detoxify; not drinking enough means that toxic agents build up in the body and cause illness.

Water also affects every single cell and the enzymatic processes of our bodies. If one does not drink sufficient water everything goes out of whack and this can lead to various health problems, including various forms of cancer.

According to Water UK, research on drinking water and cancer has revealed that drinking water in sufficient quantities greatly reduces the risk of developing cancer of the prostate, the large bowel and breast cancer.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer claims in excess of 13,000 lives annually; this includes approximately 8,000 pre=-menopausal women, mostly in their 30s. Drinking sufficient water could reduce the risk of breast cancer by a whopping 33% for premenopausal women and 79 per cent for postmenopausal women.

All of the cells in the human body must be kept fully hydrated in order to function as they ought. When insufficient water is taken in the cells become dehydrated which impairs their internal functions, including the inability to remove toxic substances that may cause cancer.

Large Bowel or Colorectal Cancer

This is the third most common cancer in men and the second most common in women in the UK. There are in excess of 18,500 men diagnosed annually and more than 16,000 women.

Water is critical to the gut function and digestion. Studies conducted on both men and women suggest that the risk of getting colon cancer could be reduced by as much as 32% for men and 45% for women who drink a minimum of four or five glasses of water per day.

Prostate & Urinary Tract Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the UK, with in excess of 30,000 men diagnosed every year. It also accounts for approximately 12% of all male cancer-related deaths.

Individuals who do not drink enough water are far more likely to develop urinary tract cancers, which include prostate cancer, kidney cancer and bladder cancer. One study concluded that drinking water as opposed to other fluids could be associated with a whopping 51% reduction in the risk of bladder cancer – this is if more than 2.5 litres of water is consumed per day, as opposed to only a 37% reduction if other fluids are drunk.

The above are just a few reasons why it is so important to ensure that you are drinking water whenever possible, and that the water that you are drinking is pure and free of toxins. An excellent way to ensure this is to invest in a water cooler, preferably from a reputable water company that supplies bottled water coolers with spring water.


Cancer Active

Water UK

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