How Much Water Should We Really Drink Every Day?The human body cannot function without water as it becomes dehydrated and that impugns performance.

Drinking water is vital because every single system in your body depends on water for it to work properly. Drinking water helps carry vital nutrients and oxygen to the cells, flushes toxins out via the kidneys and bladder, and acts as the body’s cooling system.

Not drinking enough water daily will cause you to become dehydrated, which could lead to dizziness, headaches, fatigue, an inability to do involved and intricate calculations, to name but a few side-effects, and even death in extreme cases.

How Much Water Should We Really Drink Every Day?

Just how much water should we really drink every day? Well this is a bit of a debate, one that has been going on for many years. We were all taught that we need to drink 8 glasses of water daily to keep the body sufficiently hydrated, but scientists and the medical fraternity have reviewed that stance of late.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer; your water needs actually depend on various factors such as the amount of exercise you do, the geographic area in which you live, your weight, age and health.

We all lose water daily due to perspiration, urinating, breathing, bowel movements and various other functions. We need to drink water daily to replace the lost fluids so that the fluid balance of the body is maintained.

According to the Institute of Medicine, an average male requires a daily intake of around 3 litres and the average female should drink about 2.2 litres of fluid per day. Although drinking water is the best way to replace lost fluids, you can also get fluid from fruit, vegetables, tea, coffee and juices. Food provides approximately 20% of the daily required fluid intake.

Staying Well-Hydrated

Staying well-hydrated is not that difficult if you remember a few simple rules and tips:

  • Don’t wait until you are thirsty before you drink water; by that time you are already dehydrated
  • Even though you can get a lot of fluid from food and other drinks, pure water is the best source of fluid
  • Drink more water when exercising or the weather is hot
  • Drink water before, during and after prolonged exercise
  • Start your day off with a glass of water and drink a glass of water last thing at night before retiring

Invest in a water cooler so that you always have fresh, pure, cool and toxin-free water to drink. Water coolers are the perfect source of water for both offices and homes, because they provide an almost endless supply of chilled water that also tastes great, which makes more people drink more of it.

Living-Water sells under counter water coolers, hot water boilers and pou water coolers in London.


Mayo Clinic