The human body is 70% water, and water is integral to the workings of every single cell in the body; without it we would not be able to function as we should. It is crucial that we drink water throughout the day in order to stay fully hydrated.
Drinking water does not only tame our thirst and keep us hydrated, but it can also solves various problems that we may experience on a daily basis, as well as prevent quite a couple of them too.
1. Brainpower Boost
Watermakes up a surprisingly high 78% of the brain. Drinking water regularly is one of the best things you can do for your brain, as it needs water to manufacture neurotransmitters and hormones. The brain also requires a lot of oxygen in order to function at the optimal levels that we require it to, and drinking water helps deliver oxygen to the brain. Drinking water regularly throughout the day will give your brain a boost and raise the levels of one’s cognitive performance by roughly 30%.
2. Heart Health
The heart is composed of about 73% water and depends on water function optimally. Drinking water regularly to ensure hydration will lower your risk of a heart attack. According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, individuals who drink water regularly and drink a minimum of 5 glasses of water per day are 41 % less likely to die from a heart attack.
3. Cancer
Drinking water throughout the day is the best way to stay fully hydrated, and staying hydrated is a good way to lower the risk of getting breast cancer. Drinking water regularly will lower you risk of getting bladder cancer by a whopping 50% and reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45% too.
4. Migraines & Headaches
Drinking water on a regular basis prevents painful headaches and migraines. According to a study published in the journal “Neurology,†test subjects were divided into two groups; one drank 1.5 litres of water more than they normally would, and the other group was given a placebo. The group that drank water in addition to their normal water intake experienced 21 fewer hours of pain than those who had taken the placebo. Notably, the intensity of the pain in the water group was also much less.
5. Metabolism Booster
Drinking water also helps one to lose weight as it boosts the metabolism according to a study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Within ten minutes of drinking about 500ml of water, the metabolic rate increases by 30% in healthy individuals. Drinking water before meals also makes one feel full so one eats less, which is a great way to lose or maintain weight.
A little bonus fact is that drinking water may allow you to buy that great pair of shoes or handbag you have been eyeing because it saves you loads of money that you would have spent on soft drinks, lattes, or juice. If you have an office water cooler there is no need to look any further because you have chilled, tasty, pure drinking water right at your fingertips any time you want it.
Buy water cooler accessories, natural spring water and get a free water cooler trial in London.