How to Stay Safely HydratedAs the temperatures rise, so does the temperature of your body, which causes you to sweat, losing important bodily water and electrolytes that are vital to the optimal functioning of your body. It is important that you drink water regularly in order to replace what you lose via sweat, breathing, urinating and various other means.

This is especially important for those who do physical jobs and those who do a lot of sports. Hiking, cycling, running, travelling and even just sitting in the hot sun will take its toll on your body; this will cause sweating. The body sweats in order to cool itself and maintain core temperature.

Drinking water regularly is also vital to the good health of your heart, as water keeps the blood thin and helps the heart to pump it to all the muscles and the rest of the body. It also helps the body to remove waste and toxins so that it can work efficiently.

Not drinking water regularly can lead to a whole host of health problems as a result of the dehydration that a lack of drinking water will cause. This ranges from headaches to dizziness, a dry mouth, dried out mucous membranes, heart strain, heatstroke, nausea, vomiting, chills, reduced appetite, extreme fatigue, decreased sweating and urination, confusion, respiratory depression, coma and even death.

How to Stay Safely Hydrated

Although you can replace some of the lost fluids by eating fruit and vegetables that have high water content and by drinking other liquids such as tea, coffee, juices and soft drinks, drinking water is the best way to hydrate your body.

If you have problems in drinking water as often as you should, here are some easy ways to ensure that you drink more water:

  1. Begin each day by drinking a glass of water before you have anything else to eat or drink. This will help you to replace fluids that were lost overnight and will kick-start your metabolism
  2. Eat fruit with a high water content during the day, and vegetables with lots of water content at least once per day
  3. Make a schedule for drinking water. Drink water according to your needs. If you are going to exercise after work, make sure that you drink at least one glass of water about an hour before.
  4. Install an office water cooler at work and a home water cooler at home. Water coolers provide fresh, chilled, toxin free drinking water that also tastes good virtually 24/7. Buy the type and size of water cooler that suits your needs; a smaller, maybe bottled water cooler for home and small offices and a mains or plumbed-in water cooler for larger offices and sports complexes, etcetera.
  5. End each day off by drinking a glass of water before you retire; this will keep you hydrated during the night and is also very good for your heart.

The most important thing your body needs is water, even more than food, so make sure that you drink water regularly.
