5 Simple Changes to Improve Your HealthThese days most of us are more health conscious than before and are chasing the best way to improve and keep our bodies healthy for longer. Some are going the pharmaceutical or plastic surgery route and others are looking for more natural ways.

For those who are looking for natural ways of improving your health, there are plenty of resources if you just look. Most of them are easily accessible and will cost you minimal if anything.

5 Simple Changes to Improve Your Health

One of the easiest ways to improve your overall health is to drink water regularly; not vitamin enhanced water or fancy bottled water with fancy names, but regular water that comes out of tap. Well, with some differences, and put all of the following into play:

1. Toss the Soft Drinks

Soft drinks or sodas are really nothing more than flavoured water with tons of added sugar, preservatives and other additives, none of which are particularly good for one’s health. Consuming soft drinks has been linked to obesity, heart disease, tooth decay, osteoporosis and diabetes. Drinking water is far healthier for you than soft drinks.

2. Cut Down on Caffeine

Cut down on the caffeinated drinks such as coffee, coke and energy drinks that contain up to 160 mg of caffeine per can as well as 8.4 g of high fructose corn syrup sugar per ounce. A cup of Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino, for instance, contains 45 g of sugar, 290 calories, and a whopping 4.5 g of fat, of which 2.5 g is saturated. These are definitely not healthy!

3. Cut Down on Sugar Alternatives

Soft drinks such as Coke, Pepsi etc. used to contain real sugar but these days they contain large doses of high fructose corn syrup which is a cheap alternative sweetener. Many of the so-called “healthy fruit juices” also contain loads of fructose and very little “fruit.”

4. Stay away from Diet Soft Drinks

“Diet” soft drinks are the worst because they are literally jam-packed with caffeine and artificial sweeteners. Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi for instance may contain less or no calories, but they do contain between 27-37 mg of caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water, thereby causing dehydration.

5. Drink Water, Drink Water, Drink Water!

Drinking water is the best thing that you could ever do for your health as the human body needs to be constantly hydrated for it to function optimally. Water is used by every cell in your body and without it you will get dehydrated, which can cause headaches, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, constipation, heart problems, kidney problems, bladder problems, muscle spasms, cancer and much more.

A good way to ensure that you give up all those drinks that are bad for you is to invest or ask your boss to invest in an office water cooler. Office water coolers make drinking water more often throughout the day easy because it is easily accessible and tastes so good.

Office water coolers come in various styles and models. The two types of office water coolers are bottled water coolers and mains or Point of Use (POU) water coolers:

  • Bottled water coolers are more suited to smaller offices because the water is dispensed via an inverted bottle on top of the cooler unit. Bottled water coolers are portable in that they can be moved from one spot to the other. Different models can offer filtered or spring water, and chilled, ambient and hot water for coffee, soup or hot chocolate.
  • Mains water coolers are more suited to large offices as they are plumbed-in to the main water line so offer chilled water virtually 24/7. All mains water coolers can be fitted with a water filter that ensures the all toxins are removed from the municipal water long before it reaches your glass. All water is chilled and some models also offer ambient and hot water, automatic sanitisation and cleaning.

SO, the best thing that you can do for your own health and that of your family or workforce is to install a water cooler so that everyone can drink more water and be fully hydrated at all times. Drinking water makes one more alert, gives you energy, helps you to lose weight, and helps keep the brain clear and working optimally.


Dumb Little Man