Hydrate, Don't Medicate!The human body is made up of around 70% water; this we know! We lose water throughout the day via urination, sweating, crying, sneezing, and even breathing so we need to drink water to replace that which we have lost; this we know!

What many of us do not really know is exactly WHY we need to ensure that the fluid balance in our body is maintained, and why it is important that we drink water as the main source of this replaced liquid.

Modern science has changed the 8×8 glasses of water per day concept because it has found that we do get much of our liquid from fruit and vegetables that are high in water content, and they have even agreed that juices, tea and coffee can make up some of the replacement fluids, but water should be the major contribution.

Hydrate, Don’t Medicate!

The main reason why drinking water should make up the majority of fluid replacement lies in the medicinal and healing qualities of pure water.

  • Flushes Toxins: Drinking water flushes the toxins out of your body via your urine; drinking caffeinated teas and coffees will not do the same.
  • Boosts Immune System: Drinking water regularly boosts your immune system and helps the body fight against cancer, flu, colds and many other illnesses.
  • Gets Rid of Headaches: Headaches are often one of the first signs of dehydration, and drinking water regularly will prevent all those pesky headaches. The next time you get a headache try drinking a glass or two of water before you drop a pill and see for yourself.
  • Lightens your Mood: Believe it or not, drinking water regularly and keeping your body hydrated actually keeps you in a good mood.
  • Promotes Weight Loss: Drinking water is one of the main ways to lose weight as it fills you up so that you eat less and acts as a zero calorie appetite suppressant; drinking soft drinks, juices and other beverages that generally contain a lot of sugar will do the opposite.
  • Maintains Regular Bowel Movement: The next time you are feeling a bit backed-up, try drinking a few glasses of water instead of taking a laxative. Drinking water helps digest food,  cleanses the colon and prevents constipation
  • Prevents Sprains & Cramps: Save money on those salt tablets, energy drinks and rubs by drinking water regularly, especially before exercising; this keeps the muscles elastic and lubricates the joints, making these types of injuries far less likely

What most people do not understand, to their detriment, is that when we lose body fluids we are not just losing water, but also all the proteins, fats, minerals,  amino acids, and other micro-elements that are the make-up of water and which the body needs in order to function at its best.

If you want to remain healthy you need to remain hydrated, and the best way to do this is to drink water first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and last thing at night. If you do not like the taste of tap water invest in a water cooler that provides you with filtered, chilled water or even spring water and you will soon enjoy drinking water.


80-20 Nutrition


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