We all know by now that drinking water is very important because we need to keep the balance of fluids in our body at what it should be; 70% water. The problem is that modernisation and a growth in population leads to a growth in industry, and a growth in industry automatically results in pollution which inevitably affects the quality of our drinking water.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 90% of the world’s water is contaminated in one or other manner. Whether you are out in the wild or living in the most highly technological urban area, water needs to be treated before it is fit for human consumption. Drinking water that has not been filtered or purified in some or other way can lead to illness and even death.
Water Filtration vs. Water Purification
More and more individuals are opting out of the rat-race and looking after the planet by making a space for themselves and their families away from big cities and by becoming self-sustainable. This often means that they cannot just get a lovely glass of fresh drinking water by turning on a tap.
Even though gathering rainwater is a great way to get what we need from nature, drinking rainwater without first purifying or filtering it could be unhealthy. It is therefore incumbent upon those individuals to look into ways of making their drinking water hygienic:
· Water Filtration
Water filtration is a very basic method of filtering out impurities via a biological process, chemicals or by running the water through a physical barrier such as a cloth or fine mesh. Boiling water or running water through a carbon filter is a very easy method of cleansing water from impurities and something that can be done virtually anywhere without the necessity for big machinery or expensive equipment.
· Water Purification
Water Purification differs from water filtration in that it seeks to purify the water from chemicals, viruses, biological contaminants, and other materials rather than concentrating on just impurities. Water purification is a chemical process that can include the use of iodine or chlorine.
It is important to realise that although both of the above methods will make water drinkable, neither is infallible on its own; it is best to make use of a system that incorporates both methods to ensure that your drinking water is free of heavy metals, large-scale impurities, and is purified from all other contaminants.
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