The necessity of drinking enough water every day in order to stay hydrated and maintain good health is one of the top topics of conversation among those who are health conscious and the medical fraternity.
More and more alternative practitioners are also being heard, saying what they have been saying for years, that drinking water is one of the best ways not only to stay hydrated, but also to prevent several illnesses such as heart failure, stroke, cancer, and kidney failure amongst others. They also contend that drinking water can cure many of the symptoms of disease that are actually not illness at all but merely the body telling us that it needs water.
According to doctors, including many famous cardiac surgeons, drinking water regularly is very important for the heart health. This is because when we do not drink sufficient water the blood volume in the body gets less and that which there is thickens, making it more difficult for the heart to pump it throughout the body. This puts strain on the heart and can cause heart disease and eventual heart failure or a heart attack.
When it comes to drinking water, although we should be drinking it throughout the day to replace that which we have lost due to sweating, breathing, urination and via other means, there are also specific times in the day that we should drink water for the best effect:
- Drinking 2 glasses of water directly upon awakening helps activate the internal organs
- Drinking 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will help you to digest your food better and will also act as an appetite suppressant
- Drinking 1 glass of water before taking a bath works well for lowering the blood pressure
- Drinking 1 glass of water before going to bed can assist in avoiding the occurrence of stroke or heart attack
Drinking a glass of water last thing at night before retiring will also prevent night time leg cramps or “restless leg syndrome,†which are both signs of the muscles seeking hydration.
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