World Water Week - Solutions for my Water at HomeWorld Water Week August 21-27 2011

World Water Week starts this week with a conference in Stockholm which has received Sky news coverage. It is being hosted by the Stockholm International Water Institute and is an annual event.

Each year the event addresses a different theme:


  • 2009: Accessing Water for the Common Good
  • 2010: The Water Quality Challenge
  • 2011: Water in an Urbanising World
  • 2012: Water and Global Food Security (tentative)

During the course of the week this years conference will be addressing many areas which are causes for concern:

  • Time for solutions
  • Sustainability of water footprints
  • Corporate water risk management
  • Water intensive companies
  • Water utilities reform in Arab countries
  • The Ganges Basin
  • Nutrient reuse
  • Eco Health
  • Young Water professionals
  • Fund Management
  • Benchmarking
  • Solving urban water needs
  • How can Asia do more
  • Coastal communities – living on the edge
  • Dams and making sure they are a solution not a problem
  • Sanitisation solutions
  • Focus Africa
  • Cities of the future
  • Water and the climate
  • The right to water
  • Water stewardship
  • Urban water buffering
  • Need for a paradigm shift
  • Fresh water conservation
  • Which water quality for which users
  • Creating a sustainable city
  • Water and disaster – how to mitigate risk
  • Safe and fair urban sanitization
  • Small scale finance for water and sanitization
  • Water challenges
  • Future Global water challenges
  • Water in a green economy
  • EU water initiative
  • Challenges in access to water
  • Opportunities for entrepreneurs
  • Monitoring drinking water

It is clear that the subject areas are very much orientated towards areas of concern even to the common layman.  It is refreshing to see an organization, actively seeking to pool worldwide resources and knowledge to meet the challenges we will all face in the near term future.

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