7 Good Reasons to Use a Water FilterWe all need to drink water; our life depends on it. That may sound dramatic, but it is far from it; the body consists of around 70% water and every single cell in your body needs water in order to work optimally.

Our brains are approximately 85% water; our hearts contain around 73% water; the muscles and kidneys are around 79% water; the skin is 64% water; and even our bones contain 31% water. Water is needed to help digestion, frees the body of toxins via urination, acts as a cushion around the joints, helps distribute oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body via the blood, and much more.

7 Good Reasons to Use a Water Filter

Although we need to drink water regularly in order to keep our body fluids balanced, drinking water that contains toxins and various contaminants like most tap water does may be even more dangerous than not drinking water at all.

Although bottled water has become a huge fad all over the world, it can become a very expensive way to try to ensure that the water that you are drinking is pure. In actual fact, studies have shown that many of the bottled waters out there that claim to be so healthy are nothing other than ordinary tap water that has been bottled and has a nice label on it.

Investing in a water filter is probably the best way to ensure that you are drinking water that is pure and good for you:

1. There are more than 2 100 known toxins that can be found in tap water, including several dangerous poisons like arsenic;

2. Drinking water that is contaminated with toxins is one of the leading causes of epidemic disease in many developing countries

3. Although municipalities treat drinking water before it is piped through to your homes or offices, it is not always possible to control the outbreak of potentially dangerous bacterial contaminants in tap water;

4. Many of the toxic materials in drinking water can cause several types of cancer, including colon cancer, bladder cancer and bone cancer;

5. Lead found in drinking water has been proven to be the leading cause of learning disorders in over 500,000 children in the US alone every year;

6. Pure water is key to a child’s mental and physical development;

7. Bottled water is expensive and not necessarily pure and toxin-free

Get a water cooler in London or water dispenser for your business from Living-Water. Rent bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers for your home or business.