Benefits of Using a Whole House Water FilterDrinking water is vital to your health; without it you would not be able to survive. The problem is that even the water in your taps is not free of all contaminants, and this could be more dangerous to your health than not drinking water at all.

Depending on where you reside, your drinking water may contain any number of toxic substances such as pharmaceuticals, chlorine, fluoride, and more. Both fluoride and chlorine have been proven to be carcinogenic, so they are not substances that you want in your drinking water.

Benefits of Using a Whole House Water Filter

A whole house water filter is connected to the main water supply in your home. This means that all the water in your home will be filtered before it is used for drinking, washing, cooking, or personal hygiene.

The best types of filtration systems are activated carbon and reverse osmosis systems. Activated carbon water filtration systems are most effective against disinfectants and other harsh chemicals while the reverse osmosis filtration systems work well to filter microbial contaminants and chemical toxins.

The benefits of installing a whole-house water filtration system are:

  • The removal of chlorine and dangerous chlorine vapours which can be released when showering or even when running the dishwasher. Inhaling chlorine vapours is even more dangerous than ingesting chlorine via your drinking water;
  • A whole-house water filter enhances the general quality of your drinking water;
  • A whole-house water filter prevents chemicals from being embedded in your clothing and bedding, which could cause allergies;
  • The use of a whole house water filter ensures that the air in your house remains free of contaminants that can trigger asthma or allergic attacks in those who suffer from either

A good whole house water filtration system will rid your house of a range of contaminants, including pesticides, bacteria, volatile organic compounds, radon, parasites, rust, chlorine, fluoride, arsenic,  and heavy metals such as copper, lead, and mercury.  It will also make your drinking water smell and taste much better.



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