Office water coolers - helping prevent dehydrationHow do I tell if I am dehydrated? Many of us are dehydrated without us even knowing it. One of the easiest ways to check if you could be dehydrated is to check the colour of your urine. Urine should be a pale colour (clear to light yellow). Anything darker than the colour of straw is a sign that you could be dehydrated. Also note that if you take any vitamins containing riboflavin could also make the urine darker in colour.

You need to continually drink water throughout the day, rather than when your body cries out for liquid. You allow yourself to become dehydrated if you are thirsty. Drinking water throughout the day ensures that your body need not ask and it’s much more pleasant than all the warning signs such as headaches, loss of concentration, tiredness, and dry eyes and skin, among others.

If you feel like your thirst is unquenchable it could mean you have diabetes. Many people do not realize that thirst is one of the symptoms indicating you might have diabetes. You should consult your doctor if any suspicions arise.

You may need even more than the average 8 glasses a day. Especially if you are exercising, exposure to hot weather, central heating in your office or at home, air conditioning, all causes your body to lose water. The water you drink should preferably be cold, as cold water is absorbed into the system more quickly than warm water. Some evidence suggests that drinking cold water can actually help burn calories.

Drinking other fluids will certainly help hydrate your body, the extra calories, sugar, and additives are not needed. Try a slice of lemon or lime in the glass. You can also use flavored waters, but just make sure you read the labels first.

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