The UK Law re Water for StaffAccording to the UK Law, every employer is mandated to adhere to various Health & Safety Laws that ensure that their employee’s rights are not infringed upon and that the workplace is safe at all times. This includes legislation regarding water for staff.

 The UK Law re Water for Staff

The Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992, Regulation 22, speaks to the provision of drinking water for staff:

  1. An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water shall be provided for all persons at work in the workplace.
  2. Every supply of drinking water required by paragraph (1) shall –
    (a) be readily accessible at suitable places; and
    (b) be conspicuously marked by an appropriate sign where necessary for reasons of health or safety.
  3. Where a supply of drinking water is required by paragraph (1), there shall also be provided a sufficient number of suitable cups or other drinking vessels unless the supply of drinking water is in a jet from which persons can drink easily.

The approved code of practice states:

  • Drinking water shouldbe provided via a private or public water supply via a water main.
  • Drinking water may also be provided via a tap on a pipe that is connected to a water-storage cistern
  • Any water storage cistern must comply with the UK Water Byelaws. Such a storage tank or vessel must be kept covered and sanitary at all times
  • Where water is not supplied directly from a mains supply, it can be supplied via containers. The drinking water in such a container or cistern must be tested regularly to ensure that there is no contamination
  • Drinking water taps should be installed in areas where contamination is a possibility and should not be housed in sanitary accommodations
  • Drinking cups must be supplied except in the case where drinking water is supplied via a drinking fountain. Facilities for washing non-disposable cups must be made available

The Advantages of Water Coolers

Many employers barely stick to the letter of the law by supplying a tap in the kitchen from which employees can drink water. Those who understand how important it is for employees to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day often opt to install a water cooler.

Water coolers promote good health because they encourage staff to drink water throughout the day. This in turn affects the bottom line of any company as being sufficiently hydrated leads to increased mental acuity, better health, increased brain activity, visual perception, and better concentration.

Living-Water offers a large variety of water coolers from which to choose:

Bottled Water Coolers

Bottled water coolers come in three models, the Star, the Executive and the Table Top, and all of the models dispense the pure, refreshing Living-Water spring water from the Wenlock range.

Mains Water Coolers

Mains water coolers, or point-of-use, connect directly to the main water lines, and can be fitted with a water filter that allows the water to taste virtually as good as the Living-Water natural spring water tastes. The mains water cooler range includes the Continuum, the Fountain, the Pure, the Executive and the under-counter model.

If you are having problems drinking sufficient water at work, or if you feel that your employer is not providing decent drinking water, refer them to the UK Law re Water for Staff regulations mentioned. Tell them to look into the advantages of water coolers and request that they look into investing in your and fellow-employee’s health by purchasing a Living-Water bottled or mains water cooler.