Do Office Water Coolers Improve Employee Productivity?It may sound strange to say that office water coolers make employees more productive, but believe it or not, it is the truth!

How can something as banal as an office water cooler make staff more productive, you ask? Simple; by ensuring that your staff members have an adequate supply of hygienic, cool, pure drinking water throughout the day, you are fulfilling one of the most basic needs; the need to keep the human body hydrated enough so that it can perform optimally.

The Benefits of Office Water Coolers

Office water coolers are becoming a natural part of the office environment, and have become nearly as important as a desk or computer in offices of all sizes:

  • They are the perfect solution for supplying staff with fresh, clear, cool water to drink through the hot summer months
  • They provide continual and convenient access to fresh, great-tasting water throughout the work day
  • Office water coolers are far more  hygienic than regular taps, and most companies service the coolers regularly
  • Office water cooler water tastes much better than tap water, no matter in which country you live, so staff will drink more water

Why Office Water Coolers Assist Employee Productivity

  • Office water coolers encourage staff to take a quick water-break  and these short ‘pit-stops’ revitalise the staff so that they can begin working with renewed vigour
  • Some of the greatest ideas and innovations have been born around a water cooler
  • Office water coolers encourage interaction with other staff members, making for a more harmonious, cohesive working environment
  • Drinking water from an office water cooler is far healthier than drinking tap water, so staff do not get ill as often
  • Well-hydrated employees function better, especially when it comes to doing intricate work or involved mathematical calculations, because the brain is about 80% water. Dehydration makes one become sluggish and not clear-headed
  • Providing your employees with an office water cooler means that you are looking out for them, ensuring that they remain well-hydrated, and this will impact positively on your bottom line
  • Having an office water cooler offers your employees an alternative to going out to the café next door to get a cold soft drink, thereby enabling them to spend more time working

Dehydration affect millions, if not billions, of people every year, mainly because they do not drink sufficient water throughout the day. Dehydration is dangerous because it can lead to headaches, drowsiness, decreased concentration, kidney problems, heart problems, and even death.

Ensuring that your employees have access to an office water cooler will ensure improved concentration, increased interaction with colleagues, and enhanced productivity.

Finally, if you are still not convinced, perhaps the study done by Professor Alex “Sandy” Pentland and Tracy Heibeck, Ph.D from Psychology Today, wherein technology was used to `measure the rhythms of daily human interaction‘ and concluded that the key to improving employees overall productivity by 10-15% was “fewer memos and more coffee breaks” will convince you that office water coolers improve employee productivity.



Psychology Today