Why are Office Water Coolers a Good Idea?Office water coolers, those great little machines that provide an endless supply of cool refreshing cold water to hot and bothered executives are a boon to any business. More and more companies are beginning to realise that investing in an office water cooler is a great idea on many levels.

Whether you buy or rent your office water cooler, choosing the type of office cooler that would work best for your company can be great fun. You can get either a bottled office water cooler or a mains water cooler that is plumbed right into your main water line.

That is not the best though; what is great is the fact that many of the water cooler companies offer a wide range of both bottled water coolers and bottleless water coolers that can be customised to your corporate colours via interchangeable side panels.

10 Reasons Why Office Water Coolers are a Good Idea

If you still need a good reason to invest in an office water cooler, here are a few facts to think about:

  1. Office water coolers provide employees with clear, cool, great-tasting water on demand; some water coolers come with spring water, and most plumbed-in water coolers can have a filter attached to weed out the toxins, chlorine and other harmful compounds that can be found in most tap water.
  2. Office water coolers are eco-friendly because their bottles are reused, which impacts positively on the amount of plastic bottles ending up in landfills.
  3. An office water cooler is a great meeting place for interaction between colleagues; many great ideas were spawned around the office water cooler
  4. Office water coolers keep employees well-hydrated which means that they will have less sick days and the continuity in your business will be tops
  5. Office water coolers have been proven to improve productivity amongst employees because when they drink water it keeps their bodily fluids balanced, and this keeps them working at their best
  6. Office water coolers are hygienic as water companies are mandated to comply with strict rules and regulations
  7. Office water coolers are low maintenance because the water companies usually service the machine and sanitise it whenever they deliver replacement bottles; regular maintenance is scheduled for point of use (POUs) which are mains water coolers
  8. Most modern water coolers are really aesthetically pleasing, with great styles and a range of colours spanning the whole rainbow and then some
  9. You get to choose the type, style and size water cooler that you install in your office, so that it fits in perfectly
  10. Office water coolers save money in many ways; less staff off-time; staff drink more water which is healthier for them but also means they drink less tea or coffee; refreshed staff are happy staff and happy staff are productive staff.

So, whichever way you look at it, office water coolers are a good idea! Do yourself a favour and go and test-drive one now!