It is important that we all remain well-hydrated in order for our bodies to function optimally, but it is even more important that children, who do not feel thirst so easily, and who need water to grow, drink sufficient water throughout the day.

Children run around a lot and as they play they sweat, which means that they are losing precious water, which makes up around half of their body weight. Drinking carbonated drinks is not only unhealthy for children as it is bad for their teeth and weight, but is also expensive and carbonated drinks do not do the same for their body that water does.

Water can be found in and is needed by every single cell in the human body; water helps build muscles and also helps them work harder and longer; water increases cognitive function; water keeps the skin elastic and the joints strong, healthy and lubricated.

There is too much obesity among children across the globe today, and that is because they do not exercise enough, they eat and drink too much refined sugar and carbonated drinks and because they do not drink sufficient water – drinking water helps the body burn stored fat.

Getting children to drink plain water is generally a bit difficult, but there are some innovative ways in which you can achieve this:

Plant two of the same plants in a nice sunny spot and let your child water only one of them, explaining that plants need water to grow the same as they do – they will soon see that the plant that does not get watered will shrivel up and die while the one that gets enough water grows, shoots new leaves and even gets flowers – explain to them that drinking water will help them grow muscles and get tall and strong just like the plant.

Add some fresh fruit to their drinking water.

Invest in a water cooler – they will love having chilled drinking water on tap from this vending machine that they don’t have to put money into.