The water sector is generating more and more data from information centres, customer information, AI systems and assets, presenting it with growing challenges surrounding cyber security.
While all this data is critical to the effective functioning of the sector and essential for the delivery of resilience and optimal asset performance, cyber-attacks are one of the key threats now facing both water companies and suppliers.
According to the Government’s recent UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2017, there is a massive lack of training around this problem in the sector. Just 33% of businesses have formal cyber security policies in place and while many companies have carried out health checks, risk assessments or audits to identify cyber security risks, less than 50% have a formal cyber security incident management process in place and a mere 20% of those surveyed provide their staff with any cyber security training.
The picture across the water sector varies, but as much more stringent reporting linked to cyber security issues is required and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) become mandatory in the UK from May 2018, things are expected to change rapidly.
The Future WaterAssociation survey, which is being done in partnership with Waterbriefing, is supported by Water UK, the organisation which represents all the UK water companies.
Paul Horton, Chief Executive of Future Water commented:
“The survey is a real opportunity for firms at all points in the supply chain – from SMEs to large corporates, to water utilities – to express their views on what is set to be a major challenge for the water sector.â€
“We’re trying to get a more accurate picture of the current level of awareness in the sector and help companies prepare for the future, where GDPR becomes mandatory and the Government implements the Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive. The need to act is now.â€
“It’s also vital that all companies in the sector understand their responsibilities ahead of the new Regulations coming in next year. Wherever they are in the supply chain either in the capacity as a supplier, customer or both -they will be required to demonstrate their Cyber Security preparedness when bidding for work.â€
The initial results of the survey will be formally presented at a Future Water Association cyber security workshop on 27th September.